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中国教育网  2016-11-24 13:36:03

  在持续高烧的留学热潮推动下,越来越多的中国学生选择走向世界去看看。我大天朝的留学生从数量上就已能碾压其他国家。国际教育协会(Institute of International Education)这周发布了最新《2016年国际教育交流开放门户报告》再一次证实了这一点:




  佛罗里达州——一个阳光明媚的城市,这几年吸引了 越来越多留学生的关注,今年选择去佛州留学的国际生人数增长比例高达10.4%,总人数达到43462。果然,留学生对 sunshine state 的热爱已经无法抵挡了!







NewYork university


Silver School of Social Work: 7.0 with no individual scores less than 7
School of Professional and Continuing Studies: 7.0

Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service: 7.5
*Tisch School of the Arts: Accepted. Please contact school for score.
Tandon School of Engineering: Accepted, please contact school for score.
Law School:
*LLM: 7.0 (a minimum score of 7.5 on the reading and listening subsections, and a minimum score of 7 on the writing and speaking subsections)
*JSD: 7.0 (a minimum score of 7.5 on the reading and listening subsections, and a minimum score of 7 on the writing and speaking subsections)

University ofSouthernCalifornia


Graduate admissions:
Ph. D.: 7.0 (No subscore below 6)
Masters: 6.5 (No subscore below 6.0 )
Law School
* LLM: 7.0
Marshall School of Business: 7



Graduate admissions: 6.5

Columbia University


School of Nursing: Contact school for score Graduate School of Journalism: 8.0
Teacher's College: 7.0
School of International and Public Affairs: 7.0
Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science: 6.5 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 7.5
School of Social Work: 7.0
School of Continuing Education: 7.0


University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign


Graduate admissions: 6.5 with a score of 6 or higher in all sub-sections

Northeastern university-Boston


College of Social Sciences and Humanities: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
Master of Design for Sustainable Urban Environments (MDes): 7.0
School of Journalism: 7.0
College of Arts, Media & Design: 7.0
Bouve College of Health Sciences: 7.0 (Master of Science in Health Informatics 7.5)
D'Amore-McKim School of Business: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
School of Arts and Sciences: 6.5
School of Engineering: 6.5
Sciences in Marine Biology: 6.5
Law School: 7.5

University ofCalifornia


Graduate admissions: 7.0
The Paul Merage School of Business: 7.0

Purdue university-West Lafayette


Graduate admissions: 6.5



Graduate admissions: 7.0
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 6.5
College of Engineering : 6.5
School of Education: 6.5 (7.0 for TESOL)
School of Management: 7.0
School of Public Health: 6.0
School of Social Work: 6.5
School of Law:
* LLM: 7.0
School of Theology: 6.5 (Masters degrees only)
Division of Graduate Medical Sciences: please consult the school.
College of Fine Arts: 7.0
College of Communication: 7.0

University ofWashington


Graduate admissions: 7.0 (ESL required: 6.0 )
School of Law:
* LLM: 7.0

Michigan state university


Graduate admissions: 6.5
College of Law:
* LLM: 7.0
Broad College of Business: 7.0

University ofTexas-Dallas


Graduate admissions: 6.5

PennStateUniversity-University park


Smeal College of Business
Master of Business Administration Program: 7.0
Dickinson School of Law:
* LLM: 6.5
* JD/MA: 7.0

University of Michigan-AnnArbor


Graduate admissions: 6.5
Ross School of Business: 7.0
School of Social Work: 7.0
Rackham School of Graduate Studies: 6.5
Graduate School of Education and Counselling: 6.5
Taubman School – Architecture: 7.0
School of Information: 7.0
School of Music: 6.0
School of Nursing: 6.5
Public Health: 6.5
Public Policy: 6.5
School of Law
* SJD: 7.0

University ofCalifornia-Berkeley


Graduate admissions: 7.0
Haas School of Business: 7.0
School of Law
* LLM & JSD: 7.0

Indiana university-Bloomington


Graduate admissions: 6.5
Master of Business Administration: 7.0
School of Law:
* SJD: 7.0
School of Public and Environmental Affairs: 7.0

Ohio state university-Columbus


Graduate admissions: 7.0
Fisher College of Business:
* Master of Business Administration: 7.0
* Master of Business Operational Excellence: 8.0
Master of Labor and Human Resources: 7.5
Mortiz College of Law:
* LLM: 7.0
* JD: 8.0

Carnegie MellonUniversity


Graduate admissions: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
Master of Science in Computational Finance: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
Department of Chemical Engineering: 7.0
Master of Integrated Innovation for Products & Services: 6.5
Civil & Environmental Engineering: 7.0
Heinz College: 7.0
Tepper School of Business, Master of Business Administration: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score.
Information Networking Institute: 7.0
Program in Engineering & Technology Innovation Management: 7.0(No sub-score below 6.0.)
Department of Biomedical Engineering: 7.5
Mechanical Engineering: 6.0
School of Architecture: 7.0(No section score below 6.5)
School of Computer Science: 7.0

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities


Graduate admissions: 6.5
Carlson School of Management: 7.0
School of Journalism and Mass Communication: Accepted. Please contact school for score.
School of Music: 6.5
School of Public Health: 7.0
Law School:
* LLM: 6.5




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